Posts in Wellness
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Sciatica

The sciatic nerve is the longest and the widest nerve in the human body. It originates in the lower spinal cord, and extends through the lower back, each hip, the buttocks and legs. This nerve connects the spinal column to the legs and feet, making it responsible for any pain or sensation to the lower extremities. Chiropractic care always aims to restore the best possible function to the spinal cord and nervous system, and helps alleviate sciatic nerve pain.

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Your Brain and Emotional Stress

Back pain is the second leading cause of disability in the United States, and still many people overlook how profoundly their mindset is influencing the pain. Your attitude can contribute to your back pain or make it worse, based on how you view the pain and if you let it control you, but you can also take mastery over it. Chiropractors can help improve back pain with spinal adjustments and other treatments, but the wellness-centered, holistic approach of chiropractic will always consider your mindset toward your body and if that can also be improved.

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How Cell Phone Use Strains the Neck

As a society, we have all become more reliant on the use of cell phones and handheld devices. We stay connected and informed, but at what cost to our health? The amount of time you spend looking down at the screen on your phone or device strains your back and especially your neck. You may have even heard the term “text neck”, as the problem becomes more prevalent. We can make smarter choices about how to use devices every day, and reduce strain on our bodies without having to unplug and disconnect.

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Workplace Habits and Poor Posture

As we age, bad habits at the office such as slouching and lack of exercise during the day can cause muscle fatigue and tension. Some signs that you might have bad habits at work include rounded shoulders, a potbelly, your head leaning forward or backwards, back pain, muscle fatigue, headaches, and bent knees. With some lifestyle adjustments, you can improve your posture and spinal health.

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Chiropractic Treatment for Migraine Headaches

Everyone has had a headache at some point and we are all familiar with the throbbing feeling that can linger and really slow down your day. But there is more than one type of a headache, and chronic migraine sufferers will tell you they experience many other symptoms that can put a screeching halt to all activity for hours and even days. Migraines come with the throbbing sensation but also cause sensitivity to light and noise, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and stomach pain.

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Why Chiropractic Care is Beneficial for Children of All Ages

Chiropractic care is safe and effective to practice on patients of all ages and chiropractic care for kids has gained popularity. Kids are starting athletics at a young age, parents are more cautious about doctors that over prescribe medication, and we all know kids are prone to stumbles and falls! Chiropractic is a method to both defend against injury and heal from accidents without the use of drugs or surgery.

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How a Chiropractic Approach Can Improve Arthritis

Chiropractic is much more than spinal manipulations. It is a philosophy of medicine that emphasizes the use of noninvasive, non-addictive means of treating pain and allowing the body to heal itself. This approach means that most chiropractic offices offer a variety of treatments designed to improve overall wellness. This is particularly helpful when addressing one of the most common sources of pain: arthritis.

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