Posts in Sports
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Sciatica

The sciatic nerve is the longest and the widest nerve in the human body. It originates in the lower spinal cord, and extends through the lower back, each hip, the buttocks and legs. This nerve connects the spinal column to the legs and feet, making it responsible for any pain or sensation to the lower extremities. Chiropractic care always aims to restore the best possible function to the spinal cord and nervous system, and helps alleviate sciatic nerve pain.

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Back Pain and the Gluteal Region

When we think of lower back pain, we may think of problems in the spinal column itself. It is true that slipped lumbar discs, inflammation in the facet joints, and strains in the muscles attaching directly to the vertebrae are all common causes of back pain. But in many cases, pain radiates to the back from the pelvic region. Problems in this area can also cause pain, tingling, or numbness further down the leg, so it is important for patients to understand the importance of maintaining the health of the muscles in their gluteal region.

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The Connection Between Whiplash and Concussions

But there’s one type of injury that is of increasing concern to parents for which chiropractic is an often-overlooked treatment: concussions. Mild traumatic brain injuries are often accompanied by whiplash, making musculoskeletal specialists crucial to recovery.

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How a Chiropractic Approach Can Improve Arthritis

Chiropractic is much more than spinal manipulations. It is a philosophy of medicine that emphasizes the use of noninvasive, non-addictive means of treating pain and allowing the body to heal itself. This approach means that most chiropractic offices offer a variety of treatments designed to improve overall wellness. This is particularly helpful when addressing one of the most common sources of pain: arthritis.

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